Generating huge traffics from auto blog might be very easy. No need to work hard writing any content, the targeted blog can produce hundred and even million pages every day. And usually, those type of blogs have good ranking in the search engines. In terms of monetization, this is so easy to gain dollars from there, especially if you’re with Google Adsense. However, there’s a warning for those who love auto blog. Right now, you should aware that it’s going to be a boomerang. Why?
As written on Google Adsense blog, the warning tells us that publishers aren’t allowed to use auto blog or even to post unoriginal content anymore. It means that if you still love to violate the terms, you may be banned immediately.
To see whether I’m telling the truth or not, just check out the details at their official blog.
Now, you may need to rethink your blog. Are yours violating the terms? If not, then you must be very happy. But if you are, it’s better to wake up soon and prepare yourself to create more useful blog. Good luck and have a nice day!
Title : Warning For Those Who Love Auto Blog
Description : Generating huge traffics from auto blog might be very easy. No need to work hard writing any content, the targeted blog can produce hundr...